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To: BBC, Sky News, ITV and Channel 4

Include SNP in Election Debates

Include the SNP in the UK wide televised Election Debates for the May General Election 2015.

Why is this important?

Scotland is part of the UK. Many policies affecting Scotland are decided by the Westminster government, and even some of the devolved policies are affected by Westminster, and SNP MP's vote on these matters.

The SNP currently have 6 MP's and 2 MEP's. They hold 64 seats out of 129 in the Scottish Parliament. They have over 92,000 members.
Polling suggest that in May the SNP could win up to 32 Westminster seats and could be the third largest party in Westminster.

UKIP are being included in the debates.
They have 2 very recent MP's and 24 MEP's. They have 42,000 members. The same polling suggests that they could win 3 seats at the election.

The Liberal Democrats, by the same polling forecast could win 27 seats.

The SNP could therefore have more seats than the LibDems and UKIP combined and have a greater impact on decisions on policy.

I think people across the UK should be able to hear how the SNP could affect policies after 2015.



2016-06-11 16:21:38 +0100

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