100 signatures reached
To: Fareham council
Install pedestrian crossing A27 peak lane and the avenue for parents and children

There are traffic lights to manage the amount of vehicles and amount of junctions at this busy location but the closest pedestrian crossing is about half a mile in the wrong direction for any families who need to take there children to the local schools. My wife walks my kids to Ranvilles Monday to Friday and she has to avoid being hit by a car every single time due to no authorised walking/ crossing/ foot bridge to pass the two dual carriageways.
Why is this important?
It’s important to me because I would like to know that when my wife and children head off to school they do not have to cross such a busy junction with no true means of safety other than there judgement at any given moment when the lights change for other road users to stop or go. It’s also worrying that next year we will be sending our 11yr old son to the secondary school via this route on his own and the thought of this or something happening is very worrying. There are a number of families who use this same route and so it’s equally important to them and I have been informed previous petitions have been set up with nothing coming to fruition. Please help us ensure the safety of the families who travel this route almost every single day by signing this petition and when I have enough signatures I will email the local council.