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To: Justice Minded Football Fans and Ultimately the SFA and UEFA

Justice for Scottish and European Football Clubs 2001 - 2010

Update historical football records and redistribution of honours, medals and trophies to other players and clubs to reflect the wholly warranted retrospective disqualification of Rangers Football Club (1872) for seeking to gain a competitive advantage over other teams through manipulation of tax laws in all competitions between 2001 and 2010.

Why is this important?

Many players and clubs in Scotland and Europe have been cheated out of potential successes by wilful and deliberate cheating of Rangers Football Club (1872) between 2001 and 2010. This has been proven by HMRC to the Supreme Court on the 5th July 2017. It is very important for the integrity of the sport in Scotland and the wider world that justice is seen to be done and that cheats cannot prosper.

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2017-12-27 19:13:04 +0000

10 signatures reached