500 signatures reached
To: The Guide Dog For The Blind Association
Keep Dave & Jarvis Together

We want them to remove any threat of removing Jarvis from Dave. His vet is extremely happy with his weight and he is in excellent health for an 11yr old dog. He was overweight when he was given to Dave 9yrs ago, he ways far less now than he did then. His weight now is 34.2kg. Guide Dogs are insisting he be no more than 33kg and are threatening to remove him. Dave's previous dog Abbot was given to him 5kg over his maximum and Jarvis 3kg over.
Why is this important?
Although now retired the bond between Dave and Jarvis is extremely powerful.
Not only has Jarvis been a wonderful guide to Dave but he has been and continues to be a great ambassador for the charity.
In his time Dave has filled many volunteer roles with Guide Dogs as a branch chair, Volunteer Liaison Officer for the region, a speaker and fundraiser as well as organising the regional Guide Dog carol Service.
Jarvis is a very nervous dog who frets when not around Dave yet Guide Dogs are using his welfare as a reason to remove him. How would removing him be good for that welfare in his old age.
Jarvis is well known throughout the Church Of England and is known and loved by so many.
Not only has Jarvis been a wonderful guide to Dave but he has been and continues to be a great ambassador for the charity.
In his time Dave has filled many volunteer roles with Guide Dogs as a branch chair, Volunteer Liaison Officer for the region, a speaker and fundraiser as well as organising the regional Guide Dog carol Service.
Jarvis is a very nervous dog who frets when not around Dave yet Guide Dogs are using his welfare as a reason to remove him. How would removing him be good for that welfare in his old age.
Jarvis is well known throughout the Church Of England and is known and loved by so many.