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To: Grant Ritchie (College Principal)

Keep Dundee & Angus College open during the teacher strike

Keep the College campus and facilities open to students during the strike

Why is this important?

In response to the planned national industrial strike action on Thursday the 17th of March Dundee and Angus College have taken the decision to close the College and its facilities on that day. By way of justification, the College Executive claims that it cannot guarantee the required number of support staff on the day to ensure compliance with mandatory health & safety regulations. This claim, however, does not account for the fact that support staff are not part of the academic staff and are therefore not involved in the strike action itself.
This is a critical time of year for students on all courses due to final assessment deadlines and pending final exams very shortly due to occur. By closing the College, thereby denying students access to the needed resources for study, the College is putting unnecessary extra pressure upon students at a critical time of year which could have a serious negative impact upon their final results. This is a critical issue as many of these results will dictate whether students are able to secure places on University courses and progress in their academic studies.
It is well within the College's abilities to ensure sufficient numbers of support staff to run the campus facilities during the strike action. Failure to do so would be an abandonment by the College of their duty of care towards students to provide as much assistance as possible during this period.
We, the undersigned, are in full support of the academic staff and their reasons for taking strike action. That same support, however, cannot be extended to the College Executive itself, whose decision to close all facilities to students during this crucial period is both unnecessary and irresponsible. We therefore call upon the College Executive to reverse its decision to close the college on Thursday 17th March and guarantee that no further closures will be announced should strike action continue beyond this date. To close the campus and facilities as such an important time of the academic year is irresponsible and runs counter to the stated aims and goals of the College itself.
Dundee & Angus College, Old Glamis Road, Dundee

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2016-03-15 12:46:45 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-03-14 17:01:32 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-03-13 19:02:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-03-13 17:22:02 +0000

10 signatures reached