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To: Planning Policy Team, Ealing Council

Keep Ealing Sports Ground for the Community

Please sign our petition to help preserve our Metropolitan Open Land and Conservation Area on and adjacent to the former Barclays Sports Ground between Park View Road and Woodville Gardens from being over-developed. Only very recently have we residents learned that there is a final planning enquiry submission date of 20 September 2015 to express our concerns and objections to the proposed 1,000 pupil secondary school on the site.

We ask that a proper consultation takes place with all affected residents before any planning consent is given by Ealing Council.

Why is this important?

Open spaces are the lungs of our wonderful borough and the proposed change of use of this Metropolitan Open Land sets a precedent that could gradually consume this protected land.
•Potential trade-offs have been discussed with the private landowner to develop housing on the site
•This land is protected as stipulated by the Lord Mayor in the London Plan 2015 who said that Metropolitan Open Land must be preserved unless very extreme circumstances exist. Once gone, such open space is lostforever.

- Threat to Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and Ealing Cricket Club Conservation Area. The build would remove protected MOL and set a precedent for further unwelcome development.
- A significant increase in traffic in our neighbourhood with the possibility of local gridlock.
Many local residents recognise that something needs to be done to prevent inappropriate development of the former Barclays Bank Sports Ground and want restoration of the grounds for much needed fitness and leisure activities that is very much lacking in the Ealing North and Central community .
North Ealing, London

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2015-09-20 17:45:33 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-17 10:24:30 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-09-15 22:42:41 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-15 13:07:29 +0100

10 signatures reached