100 signatures reached
To: The Planning Inspectorate
Keep the HGV Cap on Chalkpit Lane

Reject Southern Gravel's appeal against the vehicle conditions put in place by Surrey County Council: a cap on vehicle movements; restriction of movements during school drop-off and pick up; requirement to complete a survey of the condition of Chalkpit Lane
Reject Southern Gravel's appeal against the vehicle conditions put in place by Surrey County Council: a cap on vehicle movements; restriction of movements during school drop-off and pick up; requirement to complete a survey of the condition of Chalkpit Lane
Why is this important?
Very disappointed, but not surprised, to see that Southern Gravel have appealed the decision by Surrey County Council to cap the number of HGV movements on Chalk Pit Lane and protect residents in the area.
I worked with local Councillors and residents over several years to get SCC to even introduce this cap and we will absolutely continue to fight this.
For several years residents have been fighting to ensure Southern Gravel behaves like a good neighbour, but time and again the management behaves without any regard for the local area. I am pro-business, but I am also pro-responsible business.
Thanks to the work of residents, an actual cap has been placed on the HGV movements – whilst this is still high, it was accepted as a compromise.
The way to succeed is for all of us to work together to lodge our objections and as your MP, I will work to bring everyone together and fight this all the way.
I urge all residents and those who would be impacted by this to sign my petition and raise their own objections by emailing [email protected] quoting the reference ‘APP/ROMP/19/01’ by the 17th July.
Please do send me a copy of your submission to [email protected]
I worked with local Councillors and residents over several years to get SCC to even introduce this cap and we will absolutely continue to fight this.
For several years residents have been fighting to ensure Southern Gravel behaves like a good neighbour, but time and again the management behaves without any regard for the local area. I am pro-business, but I am also pro-responsible business.
Thanks to the work of residents, an actual cap has been placed on the HGV movements – whilst this is still high, it was accepted as a compromise.
The way to succeed is for all of us to work together to lodge our objections and as your MP, I will work to bring everyone together and fight this all the way.
I urge all residents and those who would be impacted by this to sign my petition and raise their own objections by emailing [email protected] quoting the reference ‘APP/ROMP/19/01’ by the 17th July.
Please do send me a copy of your submission to [email protected]