100 signatures reached
To: Transport for Greater Manchester
Keep the Current 389 Bus Timetable Through Ridgehill

We call on TfGM to keep the current 389 bus timetable to meet the needs of its service users in our community.
Why is this important?
The current 389 bus service through Ridge Hill from Arlies Lane currently operates hourly from 8:01am. Transport for Greater Manchester are implementing a change to an hourly service from 7:33am at the end of the month.
We are calling on TfGM to reconsider this change as many residents that live on Ridgehill rely on the 389 service. Not least children that need to get to school on Yew Tree Lane at 8:22am for start of form time at 8:40am, who will now either have to get to school an hour early, with knock on effects for the school or risk being late.
We are calling on TfGM to reconsider this change as many residents that live on Ridgehill rely on the 389 service. Not least children that need to get to school on Yew Tree Lane at 8:22am for start of form time at 8:40am, who will now either have to get to school an hour early, with knock on effects for the school or risk being late.