To: The Home Office

Knife-crime emergency

Take urgent action to end the knife-crime emergency

Why is this important?

On 8 March a teenager was fatally stabbed near where I live. I wrote to the Queen, the prime minister and my MP, putting forward 11 specific suggestions for dealing with the emergency. Neither the Queen nor the PM replied to me but I gather that my letters to them were forwarded to the Home Office. My MP eventually read my letter and forwarded it to a junior minister at the Home Office. That minister forwarded my letter to another minister, who eventually replied to my MP. I have been exchanging emails and letters with officials at Buckingham Palace and the Home Office and my MP ever since.It seems to me that none of the people to whom I wrote or emailed, except my MP, had actually read my 11 suggestions. Instead I got standard letters telling me government policy, with which I am already familiar. I feel I have wasted my time, and young people continue to be murdered. THIS IS A RELAUNCH OF MY ORIGINAL PETITION addressed to the government. A friend suggested it would be better to address it to the Home Office. I decided to add my 11 suggestions. An arms amnesty with every weapon handed in being financially rewarded
An invitation to recently retired police officers to return to the force and financially rewarding those that do
A massive advertising campaign in all the media and social networks
A massive leafletting operation, inviting volunteers and youth and ethic minority charities to distribute the leaflets
Organise public meetings and conferences
Use compulsory purchase orders to requisition suitable buildings and turn them into youth centres
Invite former youth leaders to come back and financially reward those that do
Involve the churches, trade unions and the BBC
Encourage headteachers to hold classes on the crisis in their schools
All the above will necessitate spending a lot of money
Borrow what is needed — saving lives is much more important than reducing the national debt

How it will be delivered

By hand

United Kingdom

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