1,000 signatures reached
To: Rt Hon James Cleverly MP for Braintree
LEAVE our Bridge ALONE

Dear James,
Please direct Essex County Council to withdraw CC/BTE/129/22. The single option proposed to demolish the ancient bridge in favour of a 30% wider and 40t new bridge which offers NO benefits to residents and will damage Finchingfield's historic setting and surrounding countryside forever by enabling heavier more frequent HGV through traffic.
If ECC does not withdraw CC/BTE/129/22 before 28 FEB 2022. Please CALL-IN the application as it may conflict with a number of the Caborn principles including, but not limited to;
A) national policies on Important matters (especially the following sections of NPPF; 3. Plan Making, 8 Promoting healthy and safe communities, 9 Promoting sustainable transport,
6 Supporting a prosperous rural economy, 12 Achieving well designed places, 13 Protecting Green Belt within the village envelope "Local Green Space" 15 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment, 16 Conserving and Enhancing the historic environment.
B) may have significant long term impact on economic growth across a wider area than a local authority as the attractiveness of Finchingfield, neighbouring ancient villages and rural Essex Countryside will DIMINSH to TOURISTS and LEISURE users on foot, cycles and horseback due to the heavier and more frequent HGV traffic enabled by CC/BTE/129/22 (and subsequent and inevitable, widening and strengthening plans for approach roads not yet shared with residents).
C) could have significant (negative) effects beyond their immediate locality - bringing more and heavier HGV's into Rural North Essex on unsuitable roads and into conflict with residents.
D) gives rise to substantial cross-boundary or national controversy - as lovers of Finchingfield GLOBALLY rally to save this special and unique place from alien HGV's.
E) raises significant architectural and urban (rural) design issues as larger HGV's are enabled to pass through a village in very close proximity to over 100 listed buildings in a setting which we feel SHOULD apply for UNESCO World Heritage Status recognition. We hope YOU will support OUR UNESCO Application as Finchingfield meets more than one of the criteria necessary i.e.
(v) to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change;. (in this case the enablement by bridge replacement of more and heavier HGVs to pass through a delicate settlement - immeasurably reducing its charm and ability to attract Tourist's from across the world and promote Great Britain).
Please direct Essex County Council to withdraw CC/BTE/129/22. The single option proposed to demolish the ancient bridge in favour of a 30% wider and 40t new bridge which offers NO benefits to residents and will damage Finchingfield's historic setting and surrounding countryside forever by enabling heavier more frequent HGV through traffic.
If ECC does not withdraw CC/BTE/129/22 before 28 FEB 2022. Please CALL-IN the application as it may conflict with a number of the Caborn principles including, but not limited to;
A) national policies on Important matters (especially the following sections of NPPF; 3. Plan Making, 8 Promoting healthy and safe communities, 9 Promoting sustainable transport,
6 Supporting a prosperous rural economy, 12 Achieving well designed places, 13 Protecting Green Belt within the village envelope "Local Green Space" 15 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment, 16 Conserving and Enhancing the historic environment.
B) may have significant long term impact on economic growth across a wider area than a local authority as the attractiveness of Finchingfield, neighbouring ancient villages and rural Essex Countryside will DIMINSH to TOURISTS and LEISURE users on foot, cycles and horseback due to the heavier and more frequent HGV traffic enabled by CC/BTE/129/22 (and subsequent and inevitable, widening and strengthening plans for approach roads not yet shared with residents).
C) could have significant (negative) effects beyond their immediate locality - bringing more and heavier HGV's into Rural North Essex on unsuitable roads and into conflict with residents.
D) gives rise to substantial cross-boundary or national controversy - as lovers of Finchingfield GLOBALLY rally to save this special and unique place from alien HGV's.
E) raises significant architectural and urban (rural) design issues as larger HGV's are enabled to pass through a village in very close proximity to over 100 listed buildings in a setting which we feel SHOULD apply for UNESCO World Heritage Status recognition. We hope YOU will support OUR UNESCO Application as Finchingfield meets more than one of the criteria necessary i.e.
(v) to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change;. (in this case the enablement by bridge replacement of more and heavier HGVs to pass through a delicate settlement - immeasurably reducing its charm and ability to attract Tourist's from across the world and promote Great Britain).
Why is this important?
Please help Residents, Local Business, Local Interest and Heritage bodies STOP Essex County Council rushing through this application to demolish and replace the bridge. This plan will cause significant temporary, permanent and ongoing harm from the HGVs enabled to use this inappropriate route and offers no benefit to, and will damage, Britain's Tourist sector, local social, culture* economy and environment** and will negate years of careful conservation and irreparably reduce the contribution of Finchingfield to the National, Regional and local heritage environment and unique character of this area.
*the proposed works will prevent Finchingfeild residents using their village green for the Coronation celebrations in May.
**otters have been filmed in the pond adjacent to the bridge.
*the proposed works will prevent Finchingfeild residents using their village green for the Coronation celebrations in May.
**otters have been filmed in the pond adjacent to the bridge.
How it will be delivered
From 3 FEB Content shared with James and updates regarding signatures received.
27 FEB send to [email protected] so he can advocate for Finchingfield at ECC and beyond.
28 FEB 2023 this petition will form part of an OBJECTION to CC/BTE/129/22