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To: UK political leaders

Let MPs represent constituents’ views

Let MPs discuss their constituents' call for a ceasefire, even if it breaks from the party line.

Why is this important?

Rishi Sunak sacked an MP from his parliamentary position for representing his constituent’s views after Paul Bristow wrote to the Prime Minister asking him to call for a ceasefire in the Israel and Gaza conflict. MPs should not be disciplined for bringing attention to their constituents’ views.

So far, Labour has allowed MPs to deviate from the party line without disciplinary action. The sacking is all over the news and Keir Starmer is being asked if MPs will be disciplined for breaking from the party line. This is a huge opportunity to show all party leaders that MPs must be allowed to discuss their constituents’ wishes.

A huge petition signed by people up and down the UK could force the Prime Minister to change his mind and show opposition parties that they shouldn’t follow Rishi Sunak’s lead. Our MPs are meant to represent us, and they shouldn’t be punished for that.



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1,000 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached