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To: Linda Kilroy, Estates Director - English Heritage

Light Up The Castle

We believe that Conisbrough Castle should be illuminated like many other English Heritage managed historical sites. The castle is one of the most important historical buildings in South Yorkshire and it deserves to be seen.
The local community of Conisbrough and the surrounding area are proud of our castle, so please light it up!

Why is this important?

We feel it is important,
- to promote observation and experience of the site against the night sky
- to give the building an added dimension which will enhance its key architectural elements as well as its social and historical significance
- to improve the quality of the nocturnal environment by promoting safety, ie avoidance of trip hazards
- to enhance night-time orientation and use, which could potentially benefit the local economy
Conisbrough Castle, Doncaster

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2015-11-04 18:23:56 +0000

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2015-10-31 19:34:55 +0000

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2015-10-29 20:15:49 +0000

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2015-10-29 18:15:55 +0000

10 signatures reached