100 signatures reached
To: Rt Hon Michael Gove MP Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Litter Pick Grass Verges First Before Cutting Them

It’s really simple, before cutting the grass, litter pick the area first.
Because as majority of us have experienced a mower will chop up any litter in its path into hundreds of often dangerous shards of aluminum, plastic, foil wrappers etc
Because as majority of us have experienced a mower will chop up any litter in its path into hundreds of often dangerous shards of aluminum, plastic, foil wrappers etc
Why is this important?
Mowing grass before litter picking creates a whole host of problems for the environment and us, One single piece of litter cut into minute pieces, often dangerous as in shards of aluminum, glass, plastic. Affecting wildlife habitat, infants play areas, parks, dog walking areas etc who all are vulnerable to injury by this senseless act. These pieces are often washed into storm drains where they are carried out to sea to return to our beaches as micro plastics etc, eaten by fish then by us, polluting everywhere as they go. Litter is a big enough problem without accelerating it. Visually it’s an eyesore to the street scene.
Should the grass be cut as often with nature’s pollen collectors struggling to exist, they need all the help we can give them. So it makes sence to me cut grass less and before doing so clear the area of litter, it’s not rocket science
Should the grass be cut as often with nature’s pollen collectors struggling to exist, they need all the help we can give them. So it makes sence to me cut grass less and before doing so clear the area of litter, it’s not rocket science