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To: Prime Minister David Cameron

Lord Freud Out!!!

Demand and accept Lord Freud's resignation; and arrange de-selection before UK 2015 General Election

Why is this important?

UK Welfare Minister Lord Freud has claimed disabled people are "not worth" the minimum wage.

Welfare charities have joined politicians in calling for the Conservative minister to resign. He made comments at a think-tank event where he suggested mentally disabled people should only be paid £2 an hour and not the full £6.50.Lord Freud, made the comments on 30 September after being questioned on disabled people and the minimum wage by a Conservative councillor.

He said: "Now, there is a small … there is a group, and I know exactly who you mean, where actually as you say they're not worth the full wage and actually I'm going to go and think about that particular issue, whether there is something we can do nationally, and without distorting the whole thing."

Labor Party Leader Mr Miliband ambushed David Cameron with the revelations at Prime Minister's Questions, saying it proved the Tories had returned to their "nasty party" past. Mr Cameron said: "Of course disabled people should be paid the minimum wage."

Lord Freud claims he merely accepted 'the premise of the question' BUT IT WAS HE WHO SAID THAT THE DISABLED WERE "NOT WORTH THE FULL WAGE..." and it was he who suggested paying them just £2 an hour. Someone holding these views shouldn't be in government.

Disability charities have already condemned Lord Freud's comments in the strongest possible terms. Tom Pollard, policy and campaigns manager at Mind, said: "It is offensive and outdated to suggest that someone with a disability should be prepared to accept less than minimum wage. He said: "People with disabilities, including mental health problems, can and do make a valuable contribution to the workplace and should be paid the same as any other employees." A spokesperson for the disability charity Scope said: "The suggestion that disabled people should be prepared to be paid less than minimum wage is unacceptable."

Lord Freud has already come under fire for previous comments including saying that families hit by the so-called "bedroom tax" can "go out to work" or use a sofa bed when the children come to stay. Senior Tories have called for Lord Freud to resign. David Cameron HAS FAILED TO ACT.



2014-10-19 13:11:23 +0100

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