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To: Carwyn Jones and Nick Clegg

Make One Planet Development accessible to all.

Dear First Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, please give everyone the chance to live low impact lives.

Why is this important?

People throughout the UK are looking for a truly sustainable, low impact way of life. To live within our planets resources and within our own consciences.
To buy or rent a field, build a simple carbon neutral home, grow our own food, be self sufficient for heat and electricity and provide an income from the land, is not just an ambition for many but a way of transforming society towards a low carbon, environmentally sustainably future.
The Welsh Government has a planning policy called One Planet Development (OPD), which should enable people to develop low impact lives in the countryside.
But it's not happening.
OPD is about living within a low ecological footprint, it requires rigorous monitoring and if the development fails to meet the standards within 5 years then it has to be removed. Planning Officers and Inspectors don't seem to understand this and try to apply the usual conventions to this unconventional policy.
The One Planet Development policy is a good one, if it were to be correctly applied and should be accessible to everyone in the UK, rich or poor, everyone should have chance to create a sustainable society.



2013-11-10 15:36:11 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2013-11-07 12:11:45 +0000

500 signatures reached

2013-08-05 22:14:56 +0100

100 signatures reached

2013-08-05 20:04:00 +0100

50 signatures reached

2013-08-05 19:38:08 +0100

25 signatures reached

2013-08-05 19:26:08 +0100

10 signatures reached