To: scottish parliment

make scottish spca become part of the freedom of information act 2002

The scottish spca is one of scotlands largest charities .
Yet it is exempt in the freedom of information act 2002 .
This is a charity funded by public donations so surely as a charity it should be totally transparent in its day to day dealings ?
yet they hold thier own internal investigations as a public charity funded by the scottish public .
i therefore ask the scottish parliment to make the scottish spca become part of the freedom of information act 2002 so there fore if questions need to be asked by the public they will be answered back fairly with evidence and within a time frame given
this would be in the publics intrest .

Why is this important?

without any monitering body the scottish spca have become a target driven body
no one interfers in thier day to day runnings and any investigation is then done by the scottish spca themselves as an internal investigation . so no answers are given when complaints are made to them unless you have a lawyer acting for you surely as a public funded organisation they should be transparent . the scottish goverment gave them the awa 2006 yet no one at all actually makes sure the law given to them is done by the book .and the charity is exempt from the foi act 2002 ?

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