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To: H M Government

Maria Miller should be prosecuted for fraud.

Dear David Cameron,
The overly lenient treatment of the fraudster Maria Miller is totally unacceptable. Your government quite rightly prosecutes people who perpetrate benefit fraud, giving cases a high profile, to deter others from doing it. What Maria Miller has done is far worse, for a number of quite obvious reasons relating to her privileged position.

Why is this important?

It's important, because of the public's perception of MPs, since the expenses scandal. That Miller has been effectively pardoned by an in-house self-regulating body of her peers, is an absolute scandal. She has knowingly engaged in systematic fraud over a considerable time, The reputation(such as it currently is) of all parliamentarians is at stake here. A powerful message must be sent to the voting public that The House sees what she has done as completely unacceptable, and that she has no further place there, having abused her position as a representative of the people.

How it will be delivered

I have no idea, I was just so incensed by the laissez faire attitude of our ruling class to what she has done, that I just wanted to raise people's awareness of the case. If the petition takes off, I'll decide then.

The UK

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2014-04-07 19:49:35 +0100

I have to say thanks to all the people who have signed their names to this so far. I have no idea how successful or otherwise this campaign will be. I feel very strongly that because the Government, and indeed parliament, have opted for such a soft approach, then it's time fro the voting public to try to make them see reason. After the Daily Telegraph exposed the expenses scandal, David Cameron told us all that such behaviour was totally unacceptable, he told us that he "got it". Clearly, he didn't "get it", and neither did the majority of our MPs. Please promote this as widely as you can, because Miller will escape scot-free unless pressure is brought to bear. Thanks again for your support.
Derek Wood

2014-04-07 18:23:37 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-04-06 18:52:59 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-04-06 11:32:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-04-05 19:06:07 +0100

10 signatures reached