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To: British Goverment


Make cannabis growing legal for medical use. Cannabis oil cures cancer just google it the research shows it the american goverment/ Nixon waged a war on drugs to prove that marijuana causes lung cancer and he got the truth when the study showed it actually stops and cures most cancers so that study became confidential. lets not forget this is a herb/plant could you imagine if they made parsley, basil etc illegal we would all be locked up. Im not saying smoking marijuana cures cancer its the method of exctracting the cannibinoids/oil from this natural god made plant that has the healing properties GooGle RUN FROM THE CURE its on you tube or check out rick simpsons oil on FaceBook WAKE UP WORLD

Why is this important?

THE RIGHT TO LIVE saving lives not lining the pockets of the big pharma companies



10 years ago

100 signatures reached

10 years ago

50 signatures reached