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To: Worthing Borough Council

More Dog Poo Bins in Worthing

Provide more dog poo bins outside the parks.

Why is this important?

It important because it is both unhygienic and unsightly to have so much poo on the streets in Worthing. Something needs to be done about it.

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2015-05-20 12:56:41 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-05-19 18:22:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-05-19 17:13:35 +0100

Updating on the campaign, I've decided that these are what I'm going to ask the Council to do about this -
a) provide more dog poo bins across the town, as the big red bins are more striking.
b) place stickers on the regular black bins to remind owners that double bagged mess can go in the bin.
c) mobilise the Dog Warden team to be more visible across the town so owners know they will be fined if they don't pick up.
d) advocate a joint campaign with vets and local schools why is important to pick up after your pets - using the schools so that kids learn early on why it is important even if they aren't old enough to pick up they can remind the adult they are with.

2015-05-18 21:38:11 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-18 20:31:42 +0100

10 signatures reached