100 signatures reached
To: Wirral Borough Council
N&P Windows, Wallasey to move their factory to an industrial estate
We are requesting Wirral Borough Council to require N&P Windows, 188 Wallasey Road, Wallasey CH44 2AG to move all manufacturing and waste storage from 188 Wallasey Road to an industrial estate.
Why is this important?
Wallasey Road is a residential area. Since the arrival of N&P Windows, Wallasey it now has an added rubbish tip/factory that threatens our health, pollutes the land, obstructs the road and pavements, threatened pensioners and noisily operates from 06.00hrs.
Pictorial evidence is available here: http://nimby2013.wordpress.com
This factory has allowed its waste material to escape its yard for ten years.
Vehicles belonging to this factory and its suppliers have blocked and obstructed the road and pavement for ten years.
The presence of this factory and associated raw and waste materials is entirely inappropriate for a residential area. I have no idea how many children would be poisoned by the tonnes of stored PVC if there was a fire in this site, but it would be considerably more than none. PVC when burned releases carcinogenic dioxins, these do not kill immediately but long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions. (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs225/en/)
This is a residential area, your neighbour should not be a threat to your life or the lives of others. It is time for Wirral Borough Council to control this factory and protect the lives of the residents.
When we are leaving petition forms we are told;
1 That people cannot park outside the Post Office because of N&P's vehicles
2 Complaints about damage to vehicles from N&P's vans
3 How house prices are lowered by N&P's activities
4 That this is no place for a factory
5 Foul language used by their staff in front of children
6 Sweeping out of their vehicles into the street
7 The company is too big for the area
8 It makes no sense for them to be here
9 Forcing people to wait whilst they load their vans
10 Being forced to reverse cars into Wallasey Road
11 Absolutely no concern or respect for road users or pedestrians
12 Why has this gone on for so long?
13 What are the Council doing about this?
14 The move would actually benefit N&P its suppliers and staff
15 Under Oath in 2006, the owner of N&P stated that they had no intention of staying in Rugby Road for more than two years.
UPDATE: I am currently contacting the current Home Secretary The Rt Honourable Theresa May to look into the allegations of corruption that include the proprietors, members of Wirral Borough Council and Derek Thew of The Planning Inspectorate.
After signing please take a moment to leave a comment.
You can contact the present leader of Wirral Borough Council here: [email protected]
Pictorial evidence is available here: http://nimby2013.wordpress.com
This factory has allowed its waste material to escape its yard for ten years.
Vehicles belonging to this factory and its suppliers have blocked and obstructed the road and pavement for ten years.
The presence of this factory and associated raw and waste materials is entirely inappropriate for a residential area. I have no idea how many children would be poisoned by the tonnes of stored PVC if there was a fire in this site, but it would be considerably more than none. PVC when burned releases carcinogenic dioxins, these do not kill immediately but long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions. (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs225/en/)
This is a residential area, your neighbour should not be a threat to your life or the lives of others. It is time for Wirral Borough Council to control this factory and protect the lives of the residents.
When we are leaving petition forms we are told;
1 That people cannot park outside the Post Office because of N&P's vehicles
2 Complaints about damage to vehicles from N&P's vans
3 How house prices are lowered by N&P's activities
4 That this is no place for a factory
5 Foul language used by their staff in front of children
6 Sweeping out of their vehicles into the street
7 The company is too big for the area
8 It makes no sense for them to be here
9 Forcing people to wait whilst they load their vans
10 Being forced to reverse cars into Wallasey Road
11 Absolutely no concern or respect for road users or pedestrians
12 Why has this gone on for so long?
13 What are the Council doing about this?
14 The move would actually benefit N&P its suppliers and staff
15 Under Oath in 2006, the owner of N&P stated that they had no intention of staying in Rugby Road for more than two years.
UPDATE: I am currently contacting the current Home Secretary The Rt Honourable Theresa May to look into the allegations of corruption that include the proprietors, members of Wirral Borough Council and Derek Thew of The Planning Inspectorate.
After signing please take a moment to leave a comment.
You can contact the present leader of Wirral Borough Council here: [email protected]