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To: All MP's

New law proposed to "stop the NHS becoming simply a memory"

Support the “NHS Reinstatement Bill” put forward by Professor Allyson Pollock of the “Campaign for an NHS Reinstatement Bill 2015".

Why is this important?

The "NHS Bill 2015" campaign is calling on all General Election candidates to sign up to the new "NHS Reinstatement Bill", and is already attracting cross-party support.

The “Campaign for an NHS Reinstatement Bill 2015" has produced an “NHS Reinstatement Bill” which sets out the legal steps needed not only to reverse the failings of the Health & Social Care Act 2012, but to fully restore the NHS in England as an accountable public service.

Unless we all keep the pressure on MP's of all parties in the run up to the next election, our voices will be lost in the spin, sound bites and agendas.

We were fooled in 2010 by false the promise of no NHS re-organisations.

With the secret TTIP negotiations ongoing, now, more then ever, everyone has to make their voices heard regarding the NHS.

Please contact your MP and prospective parliamentary candidates and ask them to support Professor Pollock's "NHS Reinstatement Bill", and ask them if they do not, why not?

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For further information, please see:

How it will be delivered

By e-mail to each MP and parliamentary candidate.



2014-11-13 21:51:44 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-10-24 22:47:40 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-24 08:05:20 +0100

10 signatures reached