100 signatures reached

We have applied for a NHS contract for our pharmacy however there have been many objections from other pharmacies in the area. Including an objection with a conflict of interest from the market entry officer dealing with our case (as an LPC committee member).
We are a busy local, private Pharmacy and it has taken us 10 months to come to the point of consideration with NHS ENGLAND.
Despite what they say THERE IS a big demand for our pharmacy to run during the extended hours (of 8am-9.30 pm Mon- Sun) that we have proposed. Making us one of the most accessible pharmacies in the borough (leave alone local area)which in and of itself is an identified need, closing the gap in the market in terms of being able to offer the community urgent out of hours pharmacy assistance. Also we have become well known, loved and preferred by our ethnic minority population as we are a multilingual team of clinicians and pharmacists however our customers do come from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
We would like the voices of the people to be heard over the voices of the competition. We would like the MP's and councillors of Ealing Borough to endorse/support us in this cause.
We are a busy local, private Pharmacy and it has taken us 10 months to come to the point of consideration with NHS ENGLAND.
Despite what they say THERE IS a big demand for our pharmacy to run during the extended hours (of 8am-9.30 pm Mon- Sun) that we have proposed. Making us one of the most accessible pharmacies in the borough (leave alone local area)which in and of itself is an identified need, closing the gap in the market in terms of being able to offer the community urgent out of hours pharmacy assistance. Also we have become well known, loved and preferred by our ethnic minority population as we are a multilingual team of clinicians and pharmacists however our customers do come from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
We would like the voices of the people to be heard over the voices of the competition. We would like the MP's and councillors of Ealing Borough to endorse/support us in this cause.
Why is this important?
There is a huge demand for our pharmacy as we deal with hundreds of customers every week passing through and many people end up resorting to paying privately to save them walking any further, even though they can't afford it.
We also have to refuse many NHS patients who visit us with their scripts and this is the reason why we would like to provide our pharmacy services on the NHS to help the community. We have been known and loved by the larger community for many decades prior to the new pharmacy opening at Clinica Private Healthcare Ealing and that truly has a hand to play in all of this.
We also have to refuse many NHS patients who visit us with their scripts and this is the reason why we would like to provide our pharmacy services on the NHS to help the community. We have been known and loved by the larger community for many decades prior to the new pharmacy opening at Clinica Private Healthcare Ealing and that truly has a hand to play in all of this.
How it will be delivered
We will Email the people of power at the London Borough of Ealing who are aware of this petition