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Urgently enshrine in law that people struggling to pay the 'spare room subsidy' also known as 'The Bedroom Tax' and who can clearly show they are taking steps to try and downsize should be protected from eviction for rent arrears that may accrue as a result. As well as this make it a requirement that a housing provider cannot refuse a person seeking to downsize to avoid payment of this dreadful 'tax' a move if they have arrears of rent. At present some landlords require a clear account before allowing the move and nobody should find themselves trapped in the vicious circle that this could create which then leads to massive debt and eviction.

Why is this important?

This is an issue that I have heard from some people in my own area, as well as this is repeated news stories of people losing their homes over this issue. A link to one such story is here

The authority has confirmed that in the last year a total of 65 tenants were evicted, with many already in rent arrears before the introduction of bedroom tax in April 2013.

But 25 of that number went into arrears purely because of the levy, after previously being able to afford their rent.

Nobody should face homelessness over this all the while they are at least attempting to avoid it by moving.



2014-10-21 20:00:07 +0100

Here is the petition on the epetitions website, I hope that you will all sign this and PLEASE share as far and wide as possible.

2014-10-09 10:25:54 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-10-09 07:21:52 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-10-09 01:49:35 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-07 11:19:12 +0100

10 signatures reached