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To: David Cameron


Out of respect of the Wirral West electorate, and to uphold the integrity of the Nation's democratic voting process: Esther McVey is not to be offered, appointed or given a seat in the House of Lords for a minimum of five years (2020).

Why is this important?

Esther McVey was unsuccessful in her attempt to be elected into parliament, the members of her constituency voted that she should no longer have a say in their politics: that would effect them directly on a local level or the nation as a whole. To give Esther McVey a free ride to a seat in the House of Lords would show them, and the system by which we appoint and decide our politicians, a complete lack of respect.

Esther McVey has been one of the leading champions of the bedroom tax, yet despite being a minister for disabled people she played an integral part in the closing of the Remploy factories and the benefit reform bill which has hurt so many people. Esther McVey has, and continues to, snub Scotland by refusing to defend her brutal policies.

To reward such failure with a seat in the house of Lords would be distasteful and utterly wrong. The electorate of Wirral West have had their say, we ask you honour this and that no seat is offered or appointed to Esther McVey.



2015-05-11 08:16:13 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-05-10 22:53:57 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-05-10 19:42:00 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-05-10 19:30:39 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-05-10 19:25:33 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-10 19:18:10 +0100

10 signatures reached