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To: National Grid

No More Pylons on Anglesey

Please, no more Pylons on Anglesey, all Cables should be put underground

Why is this important?

Anglesey is already blighted with a corridor of Pylons across the Island.
The National Grid are proposing to erect another line of Pylons across the Island to deal with the new supply of electric from Wylfa Newydd.

It appears that they have already decided upon this option as it is the cheapest and most straight forward solution, they appear to dismiss out of hand the alternative of underground cables despite the objection of local residents to yet more Pylons affecting the visual impact and the concern of possible links to Cancer in the local population, including young children.

Anglesey relies a great deal on Tourism, more Pylons blighting the Island can only have a detrimental affect.

Please show your support for the use of Underground Cables only!
Isle of Anglesey

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2015-12-10 19:48:58 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-12-10 09:41:12 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-12-10 07:30:06 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-09 22:55:30 +0000

10 signatures reached