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To: Foreign and Commonwealth Office

No Support for British Expats in Thailand

Re-open a proper consulate in Chiang Mai Thailand capable of processing Passport applications and renewals, giving Notary Public services and providing support to British nationals who need it whether they be on holiday or in residence. Just like other nations do.

Why is this important?

The Consul in Chiang Mai, Thailand was recently closed. There is a sizable British community in and around Chiang Mai numbering thousands and we get no support. I recently renewed my son's passport and had to travel to Bangkok twice - once to apply for and once to collect it. It cost me £336.50 in air fares and hotel bills on top of the £72 for the passport itself and it can take up to 6 weeks. In contrast, my wife is Japanese; she applied at the local consulate and got a new passport in less than a week. In my capacity as a volunteer policeman I recently helped a German national whose passport was stolen. She had a replacement within 10 days.

I have written to my MP and was initially ignored, so I wrote to the Home Secretary about the costs involved in getting a new passport and the Foreign Secretary about the abysmal level of service abroad. Neither has replied, instead delegating a response to a member of the British Consulate in Bangkok. This lady has not answered ANY of the questions I asked and instead wrote a lot of gobbledegook tripe about how centralizing services was giving better services. It is, of course, rubbish and the key points: cost and inconvenience were not even mentioned.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Whitehall, London

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2015-11-30 23:41:41 +0000

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2015-10-12 16:39:46 +0100

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2015-10-12 13:00:08 +0100

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2015-10-12 09:20:23 +0100

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