If you haven't noticed already, Falmouth has been relatively doused in glyphosate the last couple of weeks. It's not just the streets and verges getting spritzed, spray evidence is now outside peoples homes, near the beaches, outside the doctors surgeries, outside and inside the grounds of some schools.
It's hard to find anywhere that's not been sprayed.
If you've noticed any breathing issues lately, please notify your doctor and let them know that glyphosate is being sprayed everywhere. Remember this chemical is BANNED in many countries.
If you wish to call Falmouth Town Council and complain directly, the number is 01326 315559
Please keep spreading the word and sharing the petition.
The more signatures we collect, the louder our voice will be.
To: Falmouth Town Council
NO to poison parks in Falmouth, Cornwall

STOP spraying the parks and playgrounds of Falmouth with CANCER causing weedkiller
Why is this important?
The community of Falmouth, Cornwall, is facing a very real health issue and NEEDS YOUR HELP!
As of March 20th 2015 GLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in RoundUp weedkiller, was re-classified as “probably causes CANCER” by the WHO (the World Health Organisation).
Most of the community are unaware this weed killer is used in ALL parks and play parks in Falmouth; including Kimberley Park, The Bowling Green Play Park, The Princess Pavillion and The Dracaena Centre.
GLYPHOSATE stays active in soil for up to 6 months. This is scientifically proven; Neutralization upon contact is a marketing myth.
Children and dogs may still come into direct contact with the chemical (and may ingest it) when playing in areas, which were sprayed weeks or even months previous.
Babies may crawl and dogs may sniff where GLYPHOSATE is used
The areas are UNMARKED and NOT cordoned off; there are no warning signs!
This chemical is also scientifically linked to Autism and Parkinsons; though the more common effects include Asthma, Eczema and Allergies. Please see links below for further details if required.
It's imperative to the health and future of the community of Falmouth, Cornwall, that WE help ban this unnecessary chemical, from one public park at a time.
This isn’t political; it’s just practical.
If you're happy to have dandelions instead of probably CANCER, please sign this petition and share it with your friends.
Thank you.
As of March 20th 2015 GLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in RoundUp weedkiller, was re-classified as “probably causes CANCER” by the WHO (the World Health Organisation).
Most of the community are unaware this weed killer is used in ALL parks and play parks in Falmouth; including Kimberley Park, The Bowling Green Play Park, The Princess Pavillion and The Dracaena Centre.
GLYPHOSATE stays active in soil for up to 6 months. This is scientifically proven; Neutralization upon contact is a marketing myth.
Children and dogs may still come into direct contact with the chemical (and may ingest it) when playing in areas, which were sprayed weeks or even months previous.
Babies may crawl and dogs may sniff where GLYPHOSATE is used
The areas are UNMARKED and NOT cordoned off; there are no warning signs!
This chemical is also scientifically linked to Autism and Parkinsons; though the more common effects include Asthma, Eczema and Allergies. Please see links below for further details if required.
It's imperative to the health and future of the community of Falmouth, Cornwall, that WE help ban this unnecessary chemical, from one public park at a time.
This isn’t political; it’s just practical.
If you're happy to have dandelions instead of probably CANCER, please sign this petition and share it with your friends.
Thank you.
How it will be delivered
signatures will be delivered in person with a press conference