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To: Mark Lancaster MP and Iain Stewart MP

People of Milton Keynes Against Fox Hunting

Please do not vote to repeal the hunting act.
Unfortunately some politicians want to see the Hunting Act repealed and so it is under real and considerable threat. The process of repeal was started with the inclusion of a promise of a free vote to repeal the Act, which was included in the Coalition agreement in 2010. This has not yet been acted on, but remains an ongoing call by those who want to see a return to the cruelty of hunting.
The League of Cruel Sports are working hard to remind politicians that 80% of the public think fox hunting should remain illegal, while 86% think stag should remain illegal, and 88% think that hare coursing and hunting should also remain illegal.
Despite the clear threat to the Hunting Act, due to the League of Cruel Sports ongoing work talking to MPs on the matter we now believe that the majority do not want to see the Hunting Act repealed.

Why is this important?

Hunting an animal with dogs for sport is a cruel and unnecessary activity that has no place in a modern society, and is an activity which the League Against Cruel Sports has campaigned against for 90 years.

Ref: League against Cruel Sports
Milton Keynes

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2017-12-30 06:37:45 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-06-16 03:49:43 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-11 09:03:13 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-04 10:40:00 +0100

10 signatures reached