Petition is successful with 132 signatures
To: Worthing Borough Council
Petition to Worthing Borough Council asking them to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty
Worthing Borough Council voted to endorse the call for a fossil Fuel Treaty so we won.

We’re asking Worthing Borough Council to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Why is this important?
The science is clear; fossil fuels are primarily responsible for accelerating climate change. Worthing is already seeing the impact of the climate crisis, including an increase in flooding, rising temperatures, drought, and rising sea levels. These extreme events will have an even greater impact on the most vulnerable in Worthing.
A new global initiative is calling for a 'Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty' [Fossil Fuel Treaty] to plan the end of fossil fuel exploration and expansion.
The Treaty complements the Paris Agreement and addresses the need for a swift and just transition from fossil fuel energy into renewable, safe energy systems for everyone.
The Treaty complements the Paris Agreement and addresses the need for a swift and just transition from fossil fuel energy into renewable, safe energy systems for everyone.
Worthing Borough Council is taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy but their efforts will be undermined if we do not bring down carbon emissions nationally and globally.
Backing the Fossil Fuel Treaty would demonstrate that the Council is committed to doing everything possible to address the climate emergency.
If you are a resident of Worthing Borough, please add your support & sign the petition.
How it will be delivered
We will collect signatures and then present the petition to Sophie Cox, Leader of Worthing Borough Council.