1,000 signatures reached
To: Uttlesford District Council Planning regarding Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP proposals for the buildings and site of former Friends School Saffron Walden
Save former Friends School for community opportunity & education. Protect the buildings & trees

Please note our objections to planning proposals (Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP - split into several planning applications) It breaks both local and national planning policies - particularly policies LC1 and ENV3 and NPPF paragraphs 83, 91, 92 and 97, which specifically protect open space, sports fields and facilities and community facilities
Please help ensure that the former Friends School, its historic buildings and mature trees on site are protected.
Please help ensure that the exterior and interior of the historic buildings (including swimming pool) are saved from the threat of potential demolition, and that any renovations are sensitively undertaken in tune with the existing architecture.
Please help ensure that as far as it is possible, the site continues within the spirit and kind intention of George Gibson’s nineteenth century bequest:
‘for the education and benefit of the community’
Please help ensure that the former Friends School, its historic buildings and mature trees on site are protected.
Please help ensure that the exterior and interior of the historic buildings (including swimming pool) are saved from the threat of potential demolition, and that any renovations are sensitively undertaken in tune with the existing architecture.
Please help ensure that as far as it is possible, the site continues within the spirit and kind intention of George Gibson’s nineteenth century bequest:
‘for the education and benefit of the community’
Why is this important?
Friends School was very kindly bequeathed by local man George Gibson 'for the education and benefit of the community' Saffron Walden has a desperate shortage of both sports facilities and other public open space, and so it is important that these are protected.
Last year, in response to widespread public concerns, the Town Council made its position clear in writing in relation to the developer's proposal to build on the former Friends School. Development of new homes on the site of the former Friends School is against both national and local planning policy and therefore should be rejected.
All of the playing fields and other open spaces, as well as the sports hall and swimming pool, are specifically protected unless replacement facilities are provided that are at least as good in terms of location, quality and quantity.
This planning application (Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP ) does not comply with these requirements, so the Town Council’s position has not changed.
It is disappointing that the public consultation for this planning application is during the summer holidays (when many people are away) and the deadline is coming up very soon. The Planning Committee meet on the 4th of September)
Public comments can sent to Uttlesford District Council. via email [email protected], via Uttlesford District Council online planning portal, or else via letter (several can be delivered in one envelope) Comments need to give Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP and It's helpful to give reason/s for objecting.
Last year, in response to widespread public concerns, the Town Council made its position clear in writing in relation to the developer's proposal to build on the former Friends School. Development of new homes on the site of the former Friends School is against both national and local planning policy and therefore should be rejected.
All of the playing fields and other open spaces, as well as the sports hall and swimming pool, are specifically protected unless replacement facilities are provided that are at least as good in terms of location, quality and quantity.
This planning application (Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP ) does not comply with these requirements, so the Town Council’s position has not changed.
It is disappointing that the public consultation for this planning application is during the summer holidays (when many people are away) and the deadline is coming up very soon. The Planning Committee meet on the 4th of September)
Public comments can sent to Uttlesford District Council. via email [email protected], via Uttlesford District Council online planning portal, or else via letter (several can be delivered in one envelope) Comments need to give Ref: UTT/19/1744/OP and It's helpful to give reason/s for objecting.