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To: Barker-Mill Estates (landowner) and New Forest National Park Authority

Prevent building on fields in New Forest National Park

We call on Barker-Mill Estates to cancel proposals to build on untouched green fields inside the New Forest National Park on the edge of Ashurst, Hampshire.

We call on the New Forest National Park Authority to reject any building plans submitted for this area.

Why is this important?

Barker-Mill Estates, a large local landowner, plan to build 11 houses on pristine fields inside the New Forest National Park and the plans look like the first phase of a large development
If these plans go ahead it will set a precedent for developers all over Britain to build on greenfield sites inside our National Parks.
This proposed development site is on the edge of the village of Ashurst inside the New Forest National Park. The fields are currently used as grazing land for horses and are situated next to the local schools.
Barker-Mill Estates have offered to build a car park and cycle/footpath for the local schools in exchange for the schools' support for their building proposals. We support safer access to the schools and urge Barker-Mill Estates to provide the proposed cycle/footpath whilst protecting the fields.

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2014-05-19 17:37:52 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-05-16 21:41:21 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-05-15 23:00:08 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-05-15 19:04:31 +0100

10 signatures reached