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To: The Leader of the Labour Party

Pro Democracy Electoral Pact

Encourage and join an electoral pact with the other opposition parties to guarantee the defeat of the Government at the next General Election. In the event of this being successful, the Labour Party should help form a coalition Government with its partners in the Pact. This Government's primary aim will be to hold a referendum on the adoption of a proportionally representative voting system and, if this is successful, bring in the necessary statutes as quickly as possible. Having achieved this, the Pro Democratic Electoral Pact Coalition should resign and a General Election, run using proportional representation, called.

Why is this important?

The current system of voting for the House of Commons is grossly unfair and clearly unfit for the multi party climate we now have in Britain. People struggle to engage in politics because, very often, they feel unrepresented. This leads to a situation where people become vulnerable to those who have their own vested interests.

The current system allows the possibility that extreme political parties can take control of Government despite getting a minority of the popular vote. A proportionally representative voting system was imposed on post war West Germany in order to help ensure that fascists would not retake control.



2015-05-12 12:00:21 +0100

10 signatures reached