100 signatures reached
To: Newcastle Licencing Authority
Protect our community!

Reject the Premises Licence application for Newcastle Backpackers, 157-159 Elswick road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6SQ
Why is this important?
Elswick is an area which has been forgotten by Newcastle City Council, we have been branded an area which needs regeneration. The anti social behaviour and crime rates are already problematic. Within the near by vacinity of the premises, we have a park, schools, places of worship; and granting this licence would no doubt have a detrimental effect on all these places. The reason that licences are applied for are so that there is a tighter control in order to prevent crime and anti social behaviour, however the approval of the premises licence for Newcastle Backpackers will no doubt have the opposite result. The licence will permit alcohol to be sold for consumption on and off the premises from 11am until 11pm with the additional application that resident can bring back guests and consume alcohol 24 hours a day. As immediate neighbours we already deal with noise nuisance, racial abuse, litter and general antisocial behaviour daily. Granting this licence will no doubt cause a rise in antisocial behaviour and crime thus putting even more of a strain on our Police force.
In addition the premises does not have any off street parking, residents of the nearby streets already suffer from people parking in front of their homes, so they have no place to park, we already suffer from people drinking on the streets and in the park, people already feel scared to walk through these streets.
Recently a 46 year old gentleman was attacked, and sadly died from his injuries, at the Chesterfield Pub which is only along the street and is owned by the same person as Newcastle Backpackers, with a Premises licence comes an additional duty of care and neither of these Premises have any security to control any potential antisocial behaviour. We have a duty of care for our neighbours and our community as a whole, we hope that you stand behind our opposition to this licence being granted and help us by signing! Thank you.
In addition the premises does not have any off street parking, residents of the nearby streets already suffer from people parking in front of their homes, so they have no place to park, we already suffer from people drinking on the streets and in the park, people already feel scared to walk through these streets.
Recently a 46 year old gentleman was attacked, and sadly died from his injuries, at the Chesterfield Pub which is only along the street and is owned by the same person as Newcastle Backpackers, with a Premises licence comes an additional duty of care and neither of these Premises have any security to control any potential antisocial behaviour. We have a duty of care for our neighbours and our community as a whole, we hope that you stand behind our opposition to this licence being granted and help us by signing! Thank you.