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To: Rt Hon. George Howarth MP for Knowsley, Knowsley Council and Tesco

Stop the demolition of needed housing stock

Immediately halt the demolition of the vacant properties on Cherryfield Drive (Eagles Court and Cherryfield Cresent) Kirkby, pending a decision as to whether they could be redeveloped into affordable social housing in the wake of the news that Tesco will no longer require the land to build a superstore.

Why is this important?

This will potentially combat a social housing crisis in Kirkby, Greenbelt areas are soon to be built on to take the strain of the issue. There are currently over 70 vacant houses on Cherryfield Drive which were bought with CPO's (compulsary purchase orders) by Knowsley Council and were set to be demolished to make way for the superstore which has now been cancelled. The existing residents have been moved out to a new estate which was built on St Kevins playing fields in Northwood. All of these properties (prior to works) were in a good state of repair and are currently just shells which could be re assembled and lived in. Knowsley Council are commited to the demolition of these homes, a lot of which could easily be converted into single story "bugalo's" of which no developers are currently building, for elderly or disabled residents.

"Tesco will also finish the current work to clear the site of the empty houses on Cherryfield Drive so that the site will be available for future development"

At present there are no other developers or partners and in reality we cannot expect one to come along any time soon. As well as Kirkby, there are now currently another 48 Councils canvassing for the same thing, we may be in for a long wait!

Please halt this demolition and begin a study into the potential re-use of these properties and protect our greenbelt area at the same time!

How it will be delivered

In person and electronically

Kirkby, Merseyside

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2015-01-11 22:51:52 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-11 20:59:23 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-11 20:23:13 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-11 20:01:44 +0000

10 signatures reached