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To: John Whittingdale, Culture Secretary

Protect the BBC from damaging Government interference

The Government should not force damaging cuts upon the BBC by abolishing the license fee and the BBC Trust, or forcing the sale of BBC assets. Undermining the BBC is contrary to the wishes of the majority of the British public, who recognize the immense cultural value of such a hugely creative institution.

Why is this important?

In the forthcoming license fee review, the Government will endeavour to impose severe cuts upon the BBC in order to benefit the commercial broadcasters. The Government is too close to commercial broadcasting lobbyists, and is acting in their interests, not in the public interest. In particular, abolishing the BBC Trust would serve to greatly undermine the independence of the BBC from political interference.

The BBC is one of the greatest and most valuable assets to the United Kingdom, and forcing cuts for purely political, ideological purposes would represent a terrible act of cultural vandalism. The British people need to show a collective will to resist such damaging changes, and demonstrate to the Government that any actions towards privatizing the BBC would cause severe electoral consequences for the Conservative party in the future.


2015-07-14 15:51:18 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-07-06 19:15:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-01 15:13:24 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-13 09:20:15 +0100

10 signatures reached