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To: Welsh Government

£500 grant to all social and childcare workers In Wales

I want the Welsh Government to follow through in the First Ministers announcement on 1st May 2020 where he said that social care workers in Wales are valued and will receive a grant of £500. This should also extend to childcare workers who have been employed during this crisis. There should be no Caveats such as staff must have supported a person with Covid etc. All social and childcare care staff in employment as of a reasonable set date should receive the grant.

Why is this important?

Social and childcare workers have worked tirelessly during the Covid Outbreak. Care homes have been a significant source of infection, with many social care staff not going home. Some live in caravans and some risk their families contracting the virus. The majority of Social Care staff are on National Minimum Wage. The WELSH government made the statement, they should stick to it. Many professionals would have been unable to go to work without childcare staff and for this reason, the payment should extend to them too.
Wales, UK

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4 years ago

100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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4 years ago

10 signatures reached