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To: The government

Recognise unborn babies lost through domestic abuse as victims

I wish for a law to be passed recognising the unborn children lost through domestic abuse (be that a miscarriage or stillbirth caused by violence or forced termination by a narcissistic partner) as a victim in their own right meaning harsher sentences being passed to the perpetrators of such horrendous abuse.

Why is this important?

Currently the unborn victims are unrecognised and unrecorded in law.
In the USA they passed 'The unborn victims of violence act' in 2004. Such an act here is necessary to encapsulate the severity of the impact of such crimes.
23% of maternal deaths in the U.K. can be linked to domestic abuse and 60% of total pregnancy losses are down to domestic violence or forced termination.

I personally have lost four babies to such crimes. My ex partner was only ordered to pay me £300 compensation for my loss, no custodial sentence was given. The reason I was given for such a leinient sentence was that my unborn baby was not considered to be a victim and so only my cuts and bruises could be considered. This failed to also take into account the severity of the emotional and psychological impact of such a loss not only to myself but for my whole family.
United Kingdom

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2018-03-29 12:38:28 +0100

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