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To: Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Recycle tablet blister packs

We ask:-

1.   The Government to provide funding to medical and veterinary practices, pharmacies and hospitals to enable them to take back and recycle all blister packs.
2.  Pharmaceutical companies to take responsibility for their waste under the Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme and fund recycling initiatives.

3.   Pharmaceutical companies to urgently introduce sustainable packaging.

Why is this important?

Medical blister packs are difficult to recycle  and millions are sent to landfill, incinerated or littered with all the negative effects resulting from single use packaging.

Alternative sustainable, recyclable packaging is urgently needed. 


How it will be delivered

In person

United Kingdom

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2024-09-25 15:12:16 +0100

100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached