100 signatures reached
To: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and NHS England
Redcliffe Surgery plans to move to Chelsea
We the undersigned require the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to work with NHS England and the principle partners of the Redcliffe Surgery to develop a strategic plan to continue to deliver high quality health services in the Earl's Court area, within the planning should be consideration of the need for an Urgent Care Centre with clinics to reduce the pressure on Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
Why is this important?
The Redcliffe Surgery is one of the largest GP practices in the borough, with approximately 17,000 patients registered covering the Earl’s Court, Redcliffe and Courtfield wards and planning to move to the Violet Melchett Clinic off the Kings Road.
In previous research on health care provision in the area the majority of the local GPs are either to capacity, private or out of borough.
This issue can be discussed at the borough's Adult Social Care Scrutiny on Tuesday 16 January and the Council meeting on Wednesday 24 January.
In previous research on health care provision in the area the majority of the local GPs are either to capacity, private or out of borough.
This issue can be discussed at the borough's Adult Social Care Scrutiny on Tuesday 16 January and the Council meeting on Wednesday 24 January.