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To: Herefordshire Council

Reinstate the four hour parking charge in Leominster before the town dies!

Reinstate the recently scrapped four hour £1 parking charge alongside the newly introduced £2.50 24 hour charge in Leominster

Why is this important?

On February 1st 2016 Herefordshire Council implemented new parking charges across the county. These included the scrapping of the four hour £1 charge and the introduction in it's place of a £2.50 24 hour charge. Whilst this is great for people using the car park whilst they work in town all day it is not so great for those people who only want to 'pop' into town for half an hour to get some shopping or visitors coming for lunch. The town's traders struggle already as things stand in a very competitive market and the excessive charges for car parking will, potentially, put visitors to the town off. We need to save our town centre and reintroducing the £1 charge will go some way to doing just that.

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2016-09-14 07:38:19 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-02-02 18:25:30 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-02-02 16:59:16 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-02-02 16:29:56 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-02-02 16:02:41 +0000

10 signatures reached