500 signatures reached
To: Jeremy Fox
reissue Deathbox skateboards Uk

reproduce the old boards and graffics that as kids we where all proud to ride and be apart of this iconic uk brand , or even produce a tribute board
Why is this important?
many of us older skaters in the uk still reminisce on death-box and remember the boards we had as children that shaped us into the people we are today , for some it was powell or santa cruz or any other of the usa brands, but for a lot of us death-box was the best , and had the best look and was cutting edge , if you where a powell kid or a santa cruz kid , you can now go to your local skate shop and pick up a reissue of the old board you had as a kid , either to hang or to shred ,for us die hard death-box fans there is nothing if your very lucky you can find a shredded up board on ebay for a crazy price because there so rare , there is a massive community of people on line that would love to see death-box come back , we all gave as kids by saving our pocket money begging and pleading with our parents to get us that cool new deck , all we ask is you give something back after so many years , i personally even have death-box tattoos and have been searching for my grail deck death-box mac hitler deck for years with no joy , and i have heard the same from countless other collectors who are searching for there sacred death-box deck, its important we see this iconic UK skate brand reissued and the memories saved in the future instead or fading away in the past ,..
How it will be delivered
via email