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To: West Sussex County Council

Removal of the temporary Upper Shoreham Road Pop Up Cycle Lane

The aim of this petition is to make WSCC aware of the level of support from Shoreham by Sea residents and users of the Upper Shoreham Road for the immediate removal of the Pop Up Cycle Lane, a temporary scheme which has received criticism from people living in the town and visitors since its creation in Sept 2020.

In signing the petition you are asking for the removal of the temporary pop up cycle lane and request full consultation is entered into with local residents on any future plans for cycle routes through Shoreham by Sea before further funds are agreed for this type of scheme.

Why is this important?

To avoid a poorly designed temporary scheme remaining as a permanent hazard and safety risk for residents and road users. Instead the rationale and investment for a good cycle lane which in future could involve the Upper Shoreham Road needs to form part of a wider consultation with the community understanding and approving the longer term benefits for Shoreham.
Upper Shoreham Rd, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43, UK

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2021-01-26 13:27:32 +0000

The temporary pop up cycle lanes were eventually removed by WSCC on the 18/19 January 2021. However, there is now likely to be a full consultation exercise in Qtr1 2021 on a potential for a permanent cycle lane along all or part of the Upper Shoreham Road. We will try to keep you updated on this consultation process as it is important the wider community is able to participate, something which did not happen with the temporary pop up cycle lanes scheme.

2020-12-09 16:52:52 +0000

WSCC Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee, on 18 November 2020, considered the call-in of the emergency active travel cycle scheme installed in Shoreham and asked the Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure to reconsider his decision to remove the scheme.

The Cabinet Member has carefully considered all of the available information, including the call-in reasons and the comments made at the committee meeting and is also aware that the majority of comments received by the County Council (via the on-line survey and correspondence) were opposed to the scheme due to loss of parking, safety and lack of consultation.

The scheme constituted significant changes to the highway with no time to undertake meaningful engagement with local stakeholders. The Cabinet Member has, therefore, confirmed his decision to remove the Shoreham emergency active travel cycle scheme. The date of removal is planned for 13-18 December.

2020-11-12 08:10:12 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2020-10-26 09:56:25 +0000

500 signatures reached

2020-10-24 11:32:59 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-10-23 12:04:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-10-22 21:43:19 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-10-22 16:30:42 +0100

10 signatures reached