100 signatures reached
To: Priti Pratel
Remove the classification of unskilled worker from the new immigration policy

I want to remove the classification of unskilled jobs from the new points based immigration policy. I would like it to be replaced with a system that allows every industry and job within it to have its own points available towards an application. These would be based on the needs of the industry, reviewed yearly and adjusted to reflect any shortages or over population in specific jobs.
Why is this important?
This is important as the “unskilled” jobs that will suffer the most from this new policy actually require large amounts of skill and hard work from the dedicated people that undertake them. Hospitality for example is one of the biggest employers in the UK but is currently in the middle of a staff shortage despite being one of the largest employers of immigrants. The “unskilled” foreign workers that this government wants to turn away are what keeps this country going and are a strong fabric of our society!