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To: Barclays Bank

Reopen Church Street Alleyway & Stop Targeting Peterborough Homeless

To reopen the alleyway, which goes from Priestgate through to Church Street and Cathedral Square. Press have reportly said that this was due to anti-social behaviour > > >

But having spoken to local homeless people that this is being to stop them using it as shelter from the cold weather as he go into the winter months. We are asking Barclays Bank management to reopen the alleyway immediately that they manage at their Church Street branch in Peterborough.

Why is this important?

The alleyway is used by everyone but at night is used by people who have no where to go and use the alleyway as to shelter from the winter weather and to keep safe. With the closure this year of a homeless charity in Peterborough there is less support for the homeless.

We should be looking after our vulnerable population not ostracising them by moving them to places that are less intrusive to our lives, so that they are out of sight. The next time you walk past a homeless person, think about the fact that they have had lives, rich and interesting lives that were thrown into turmoil due to circumstances that are often out of their control.

For those people who are not sure if they agree with this petition I would say if it is a problem for a homeless person to stay in that area, then perhaps a more human approach could be adopted – a person telling another person to move along is more humane than closing the alleyway.
Church Street, Catherdal Square Peterborough

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2015-12-06 09:14:48 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-12-05 20:43:12 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-12-05 17:16:00 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-05 16:52:36 +0000

10 signatures reached