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To: Nicola Sturgeon First Minister

Rerun of Referendum

We the people of Scotland have been lied to by David Cameron when he made a solemn VOW to increase New Powers to the Scottish Parliament.
This has not been fulfilled. All we've had is a debate by William Hague on ENGLISH Votes for ENGLISH Law.
We now wish to call on the First Minister of Scotland to Rerun the Referendum where people feel they've been Cheated not Defeated.

Why is this important?

The people of Scotland are not satisfied with the interference by those opposed to Independence. Too many lies were told to OAPs and a Media so Bias, it reminded people of PRAVDA in the days of the USSR.

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2019-07-31 05:37:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-06-25 15:03:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-24 23:21:26 +0100

10 signatures reached