1,000 signatures reached
To: Arriva Buses UK
Restore the 166 and X60 bus routes in Kippax and Allerton Bywater

Restore the 166 and X60 bus routes in Kippax and Allerton Bywater so that an express service into Leeds and direct services to Seacroft Hospital are maintained.
Why is this important?
Everyone deserves to be able to use a regular reliable bus service for a whole range of reasons whether its supporting people who can’t drive to get around independently, to help people commute to work, school, university or college, as well as supporting the need to reduce carbon emissions. Recent decisions by Arriva buses to cut down the routes through Allerton Bywater and Kippax have made many resident's journeys to work, study and health services more difficult and we call on Arriva Buses to put back the routes they have cut on the October 3rd changes.
Please sign and share our petition.
Please sign and share our petition.