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To: Members of the Labour Party National Executive Committee

Restoring Labour Party Reputation

Resign with immediate effect

Why is this important?

Over the past weeks the Labour Party National Executive Committee (The NEC) have passed a number of decisions that strike at the very heart of Labour's democratic constitutional aims. These measures include:

Restricting voting in the forthcoming leadership election for new members, while still allowing NON members to vote on payment of a fee.

Increasing the fee above from £3 previously to £25 for this election, knowingly putting this option out of the financial reach of the majority of people they purport to support.
Suspending all local party meetings until the end of the election, thus denying members their democratic right to question these decisions or pass motions opposing them.
Allowing meetings to pledge support for a candidate but barring new members since January from even attending, thus completely smothering the voice of over a third of the current membership.

These measures bring the party into disrepute, contrary to Party rules, as can be clearly seen by current online and media comment. However, one effect of the decisions is to prevent any chance of disciplinary action, as provided for by the current Rule Book in two ways:

The bar on local meetings makes it impossible for the membership to trigger a disciplinary complaint
The rules specify that the NEC shall be the investigating body for complaints. As, in this case, members of the NEC are the ones bringing disrepute on the party, they clearly cannot also be the investigators.

We therefore call for all NEC members who supported the above disreputable decisions to step down immediately in order that the NEC may be re-formed by impartial candidates who will then be able to investigate the recent actions


2016-07-16 12:29:32 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-07-15 18:41:41 +0100

10 signatures reached