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To: Glasgow City Council Social Work Department

Reverse the decision to force Margaret McEwan into a care home

Reverse the decision to force Margaret McEwan into a care home

Why is this important?

82 year old Margaret McEwan has, since being discharged from Lennox Castle Hospital 20years ago, lived within a family setting supported by a team of carers. Glasgow City Council (GCC) Social Work Department have decided that Margaret's needs would be better met in a care home. Margaret has complex learning disabilities and is non verbal but she is familiar with her current care team and her daily routine within a loving family setting. She enjoys regular outings and holidays abroad. Margaret's needs can, and are, being met in her current care setting and, indeed, are no greater than many people being supported at home throughout Glasgow and Scotland as a whole. GCC's decision to move Margaret to a care home is purely financial and could be considered inhumane. She is 82 years old and in failing health.

GCC should reverse the decision to place Margaret in a care home, away from all that is familiar to her. She should be allowed to live out her remaining time in the only home she has ever known, as part of the family who have taken her to their hearts.

How it will be delivered

Once it reaches 1000 signatures, the petition will be delivered to the office of the Head of Social work in Glasgow

Glasgow and West of Scotland

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2016-12-06 19:45:27 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2016-11-01 22:25:15 +0000

500 signatures reached

2016-10-25 21:51:19 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-10-25 19:00:31 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-10-25 17:59:53 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-10-25 17:23:02 +0100

10 signatures reached