100 signatures reached
To: Lloyd’s Bank
Revoke Lloyd’s Bank Closure (Belvedere)

Revoke the closure of the Belvedere Village Branch.
Why is this important?
Belvedere is home to a vast number of elderly residence, many of whom cannot travel on public transport or travel at all to Bexleyheath, to use the bank.
Some of this ageing community do not feel comfortable using online banking and also may not have families to help guide them with their financial needs.
Closing the Belvedere branch will also massively affect the small businesses within the village who regularly use the bank for business and change purposes.
This bank is vital to our village and I believe reconsideration is needed regarding this closure.
Some of this ageing community do not feel comfortable using online banking and also may not have families to help guide them with their financial needs.
Closing the Belvedere branch will also massively affect the small businesses within the village who regularly use the bank for business and change purposes.
This bank is vital to our village and I believe reconsideration is needed regarding this closure.