2019-10-23 23:42:47 +0100
To: People of Wirral
Rockferry High Woodlands to have Protection Order

Please sign the petition to grant a Tree Protection Order on the woodlands that was once part of Rockferry High School, we cannot have developers coming and felling the trees and thinning the woodland, afterall the area is Woodhey and plenty of roads suggest it should stay!
Why is this important?
As part of the new development the developers have suggested the trees will stay, however as I am training to be am architect and currently work in a practice myself I know that there are ways and means to get around this to build more houses and fell the trees. We need to prevent this by signing this petition to get the woodland protected and get a TPO on them trees!
Think of the cleaner air we get
Think of the foxes, squirrels, woodpeckers, hedgehogs and many other animals that are allowed to roam the woods free from human disruption.
Think of the cleaner air we get
Think of the foxes, squirrels, woodpeckers, hedgehogs and many other animals that are allowed to roam the woods free from human disruption.